The second of my two variant, I've really been wanting to redo Cyclops now that my designing skills have improved and thought doing his classic Jim Lee costume would be a good idea.
He makes a really good partner to the Jim Lee Jean I put up yesterday too :)
Remember : My host is pretty bad and getting far more traffic than its meant to, so if the file doesn't download, try again after an hour or so or the next day.
Here's Cyclops : Jim Lee 1990s costume version......

Download Cyclops here

Gonna get the last few hardcore old skool X-Men done next.
Any comments welcome
wow! 2 in 1 day! Thank u!
I left some coments on the Gambit paper hero so if u are done with making X-Men...Dont Stop Please!If you do not have any more X-Men look at the list I made on gambit for u!
great work! huge fan you have in spain!
awesome awesome awesome awesome!
Thank you so much for all of them! I think I've made about half of your guys, then post them up on facebook (giving credit to your site of course). I will take a pic of them collectively so you can see all of the time you helped me waste! These and my damn cubees! Anyway, any plans on a Nightcrawler model? Keep up the great work, I really appreciate it.
is kitty pryde in the future? it'd be cool if she could be half in a wall, but i'll take whatever you give. these are so cool!
great work sir! can i request the bucky captain america?
greetings from the philippines :)
please make Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde soon. I really like the idea of only half of a Kitty walking threw a wall. like shown here
thank you so much and please never stop
What are the chances we'll get to see a Nick Fury (616)?
I really don't think Shadowcat should be walking through a wall! It would be very hard to make and not very appealing! I also am posting them on my website(also giving u credit for the work) and if anybody would like 2 see my site(about x-men of course) the web address is and if you want 2 know what it means u have 2 go on the site
I really don't think Shadowcat should be walking through a wall! It would be very hard to make and not very appealing! I also am posting them on my website(also giving u credit for the work) and if anybody would like 2 see my site(about x-men of course) the web address is and if you want 2 know what it means u have 2 go on the site
It would be really awsome if u could make BABY X-MEN like the ones on this picture...
I love Scooby-Doo and have a website on them!
Could u make a Scooby,Shaggy,Fred,Daphne,and Velma paper persofor me 2 share on my website(giving u the credit) and for me 2 make PLEASE!
The above comment i meant paper person
Keep up the good work, it's been nothing short of astonishing.
Now, I'm going to get a start on my army of Madri.
I am having a big snow day, so I was wondering if u could finish the classic X-Men for me to do when I am stuck inside for the snow
Night Crawler and Deadpool! A little Deadpool on my desk would make my life complete.
Nightcrawler is one word
Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Papercraft category today (look for timestamp: [27 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).
That's not fair 2 xavier, Craft cave didn't give u credit! They just said " Here are some paper things u can make"! That is not fair 2 Xavier! That is plagerizing!
Well they might be repaints Xavier, but they are really nice repaints.
That version of Jean, is one of the most requested in figure form ever, not just in Marvel Legends, which I believe is why they made her soon in the Marvel Universe line.
And that is the "classic" Cyclops.
Thanks for the continued, wonderful work.
Absolutely love these. Linked to this site on my blog:
Using your templates, I'm making the classic Multiple Man trenchcoat costume. I should have it ready by the end of the week.
Keep up the awesome work!!
This has got to be one of the coolest fan based sites I have seen. Thanks so much for creating and sharing!
That could be true telmo that could be true
Near complete Multiple Man variant I made using your templates (minus) one arm:
Have some ideas for a nightcrawler and spider-man too. But you sir are the master. (:
did u make them
Super site.
Tu as des fans en France et j'adore ce que tu fais !
Great Site !
You have some fans in France and it's very beautiful !
cool this site is getting internashinal
Very good, very good
Why you dont do DC heroes? Batman, Superman, Joker...
Haven't tried it yet, but would like to try using Paper Cement to put these together. Glue sticks and tape I hastily use don't do them justice. Any ideas for a Sentinel? One leg could fit on an 11 x 17 sheet....
Wow! I've had about 14,000 visitors just in the past month since the last update.
Hi to everyone and thanks for visiting and helping promote the site :)Keep telling all of your friends about this place.
Just to quickly clear something up...
I won't be stopping doing X-Men anytime soon. After I've done the last few old-skool X-Men I'm going to try branching out in to other franchises (ie. a few DC, and I think some POTC and LOTR characters could be cool too)
....BUT Marvel and X-Men are still close to my heart so I will keep producing characters from them :)So basically, youl still be getting all your Marvel goodness but with some other random characters thrown in the mix here and there..
...besides, I've not even done Maggott yet and he's the greatest X-Men ever.
on to suggestions...
Shadowcat, Deadpool are pretty big characters so Il get to them sooner or later. Same goes for Cap and Nick Fury.
Nightcrawler might be done a bit sooner rather than later ;)
A Sentinel would be pretty sweet. I've been thinking up ways to make it possible but will be a while before I can get to making it.
Scooby Gang - wow, a very random request. Not sure yet, but as I've said i will be branching off in different directions so I wont say its completely impossible.
Thanks everyone again for all the comments :)
I hope you're all having as much fun building them as I do designing them.
PS. Next Model is coming along nicely, and *fingers crossed* will be up by the end of the month.
what is the next one
The hulk is SO BIG i cant even print it because only half of the page will come out. could u shrink it so i can print it. and i can only print the 1st page of Silver Surfer so i cant make any of the pages i need to make it. can u help me PLEASE i was going 2 make this for my father! PLEASE HELP!
Hulk -
I've updated the file to the correct resolution.
If you've been doing "Fit to printable Area" or similar when you print, he will have been coming out fine, but if you didn't then he printed out humungous.
This should be corrected now so should print off at the right size regardless.
Silver Surfer -
I'm not sure what the problem is here, a few people seem to be having problems with printing / downloading him. I've upladed a new version at HERE so give that a go.
If that doesn't work, clear your cache then try again. A Lot of browers seem to have a habbit of saving half of a PDF to the cache if the download is interrupted and then using that rather than downloading the full thing in future.
Let me know how you get on with them.
As for the next model, you'l have to wait and see ;)
Dang it, give us a hint
Como que monta? Não tem nenhum video?
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