This one is actually looking pretty good IRL, I don't think the picture does it justice, but its too dark outside for me to get good lighting for a better picture. Il get a better picture up As soon as I can.
Remember : My host is pretty bad and getting far more traffic than its meant to, so if the file doesn't download, try again after an hour or so or the next day.
Here she is...

There are two seperate files, one for the model and one for the base. I WILL be releasing a Dark Phoenix variant (and maybe a white one too if i have time Telmo)
Download Jean model here
The model is pretty basic. Slots together much the same way as Emma and Psylocke.
The Phoenix Rapture Stand
Download Stand model here
Yeah... this ones a bit complicated. Ive put letters and diagrams to help with putting it together. The letters signify which piece joins with which. It DOES not signify any order to put them together. If you need clearer instructions let me know.
On to questions / Requests....
Daredevil - Yep he'l get here eventually. Would be a pretty easy remodel using a Stark head, and basic Madrox body I guess so might get him down over the next few months.
Storm - I will get to her eventually, but I've been putting her off because I've got no idea what costume to use. Her current one is pretty horrific. tempted to go for her Worlds Apart Costume.
On a side note, the Anonymous person who couldnt get Hulk working - Did the file ever download ok?
Any comments welcome
These are amazing!!!! This is what i am doing with my kids for X-Mas break. Thank you sooooo much. Do you take requests? May I humbly request a Namor or Magneto? They are both heroes (this month anyway!)I don't know how obscure you get but Black Bolt is another. It looks like you've got your hands full with requests, but I thought I'd throw those out there! Even if you don't take requests, there are all spectacular!
Please make the Storm with the white costume.
And if possible, with the mohican hair...
Very nice! I look forward to making this one. :)
Well Phoenix ended up looking awesome, but I knew you'd find a way to make her look like it.
To remake her into Dark Phoenix, maybe just a new wilder hair piece?
And for White Phoenix maybe arms down, and keep the rest just just in white a gold.
Now that you did Jean/Phoenix head, you also have Madelyne Pryor's, after all Madelyne is Jean's clone)
You really have a great eye for these.
As for Storm, her white costume became a classic very fast, and her probably her best known (X-Men #1 - 2nd Series), but her original one, from her first apperance wasn't bad either (Giant Size X-Men #1)
@J Lynn - Magneto would be sweet. And the whole Inhuman Royal Family too.
Keep up the great work.
I would like to know if you could tell me when Storm is made that would be awsome. I would l♥ve to download her. If you ccould make the following:
...and any of the villians. Let me know PLEASE.
You are doing a AWSOME JOB! They look AMAZING!
I would like to know if you could make Storm with the black costume and her normal long hair.
Keep doing a great job.☻
Do you know when stom will be ready. I am very exited for her to come out.☺☻
I would ♥ if you could make more heros like:
Scarlet Whitch
I notice you have alot of work on your hands and I am just putting ideas out there.☺☻
I cant get the: Back of Jean, Jean's legs, Jean's hands to work. Could you help me plz?
Where do you get these!!!!!!!!!!!
I also cant get Jean's belt on.plz help
Hi, taste very of its work, and I adore x-men, mainly new wolverine and x-men, and taste very of the personages storm and the magneto, has as you to make this papercraft. thanks a lot.
A lot of requests for Storm coming in. Maybe il try and get her done over the next few months afterall.
"As for Storm, her white costume became a classic very fast, and her probably her best known (X-Men #1 - 2nd Series), "
Now I was under the impression that her white costume was meant to be black.. but very shiny.
"Where do you get these!!!!!!!!!!!"
Download them on the links provided and make them yourself :)
"I cant get the: Back of Jean, Jean's legs, Jean's hands to work. Could you help me plz?"
I normally start just by putting the folds in everything. Then I start with the back, stick both sides on, then stick the front on after.
If theres much demand, the next model I put up I could try and do a walkthrough of my putting it together if people want?
"I also cant get Jean's belt on.plz help"
Wrap the belt round her waist, then stick the little tab underneath the knot/bow on the otherside. Then you can move it about till you think it looks right.
Thanks a load for all of the comments everyone :)
I'm really glad your all enjoying them and enjoying making them.
I won't say who the next model will be as I tend to work on a few at a time so one might be finished earlier than others if I get more into it at the time. It seems to be taking me about a month to make each one now (its hard finding the time to get more done)
thanks again
Storm in her World's Apart/Messiah Complex/Black Panther outfit would probably be best. Please not the Astonishing outfit; I agree it's awful. Thank you so much! Can't wait for Storm!!!
I would like if you could make storm in the black costume
I too like the black costume
the black costume is awsome
you should go with the black costume
the black costume ROCK'S
Maybe the nude storm....
Storm's costume was supposed to be shinny black, but because the cartoon put her in the exact same costume, but in white, in the comics, her costume also looked white instead of shinny black. But the Toy Biz Marvel Legends Storm figures was made in Black, but later on the re-released the figure with the same sculpt, but with a white costume, so you can make her in black or white, or if it's just a question of inverting the colors (to negative), you can make her in one color, then invert it and you'll have the same figure both in white and black costumes, so you could call one the Regular and the other the Variant.
Telmo is right, you can make the two costumes.
And you can make the two hair models, the long and the mohican hair.
I dont understand a word he said
As a christmas present or what ever holiday people celebrate, as a gift, MAKE STORM ALREADY. Not trying to be rud though.☺☻
lol @ all the Storm requests a minute apart, nice try ;)
As she's getting requested a lot anyway she is high on my priorites. hopefully I'l be able to get her done over the next month or two.
Non-Storm related news : I've just got another model finished, (heres a clue, in the past he's been called "The White Devil".)
I won't have the oppurtunity to get it cleaned up and uploaded before NewYear though, so you can expect that model to be available within the first week of the new Year, probably the 2nd/3rd ish.
I l♥ve how you make these heros. It is awsome. Where do you get the model to make them, you have to get them from SOME sort of website.
I hope you dont mind if I copy and pasted your paper X-Men on my X-Men website. But you are still getting the credit because I wrote on the website that I got them from this website, and I put a link from my website to this website on it so you could get more viewers.
If anybody wants to check my websie out it is called The srsjcwbn stands for Storm,Rogue,Shadowcat,Jean Grey,Cyclops,wolverine,Beast,
Merry Cristmas Eve to all.
I would love if you could tell me your E-Mail so I could E mail you seggestions and more. Please tell me because I would l♥ve to know.
I know Jean Grey and Phoenix are the same thing but they looke dif. so I would love if you could make Jean Grey too.
Keep up the good work
I would ♥ if you could make more heros like:
Scarlet Whitch
I notice you have alot of work on your hands and I am just putting ideas out there. But i know that i would download all of the above.
Mystique and Black Cat rules!!!!
The anonymous person who did there coment on the 26 of December at 05:04 copied my coment and only changed like 2 words
Awesome, can't wait for Gambit! This site is amazing!
I'm the biggest Gambit fan ever!
When did he say he was making Gambit?
Happy New Year. 2010 Where is STORM! You said you would make her by new Year. We are waiting!
Xavier actually has a life, and his making these for himself, he just happens to be nice enough to share them with us. So please give him a break about Storm, he'll come around to her when he has the time. We also said he was going to do Dark Phoenix, and maybe White Phoenix too, but give the guy a break, he's only human, and doing these as a hobbie.
They might look easy to do when they are all done inside the PDF file, but things like these take a lot of planing in advance, and I'm just talking shape, I'm not even thinking about all the paint applications.
Happy New Year Xavier.
I know.Im sorry if he took it like it was like I was trying to be to be mean. And thanks for saving them with all of us. Don't we know there hard. I will be quite about Storm. Thank you for telling me this Telmo.
SORRY Xavier and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yet again sorry! And by ! i dont mean to yell at you.
ALL UR WORK IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive got a few request......
Dark Phoenix
White Phoenix
and for storm u should just make her black costume w/ the head piece and long white hair. and also......diomand emma frost.
also, magneto, and apocolypse, and nightcrawler, and banshee, and kitty pryde, and and boom boom and jubilee and, all the other xmen i forgot!!!!!
I agree with Ryan. you should make storm have the black costume with the pointy head peace with her regular long white hair. Not a mohawk.
I feel real dumb but I can't figure out how to attach the neck part, which side goes where?
is that the head of the phoenix or jeans head?
Sorry, I guess I should have specified: Jean's head. I can't see or understand how the neck base is supposed to be attached.
I've made a very very very basic guide to putting female heads together here....
Hope it helps. I want to do a much more detailed tutorial on how to put them together in a future post.
Oh thank you! Yes it totally helps, its so nice of you to make a tutorial, it helped me alot.Thank you.
Hi there, your paper heroes fascinate me, they're amazing, u really have a talent. anyway, I was just wondering if u have an email address so that i could send you a picture of sumthing you might be interested in finishing?
mine is
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Richie,
If ever you want to contact me feel free to email me at
Interested in what you have in mind
Hi Xavier!!!
I like very much your paper heroes, Im doing the paper phoenix, but I have a question, what is the kind of the paper that you use to make it???
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